Modern Slavery Statement

This statement is made pursuant to the requirements of Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 on behalf of the Falcon Group to whom the requirements apply. The Company does not tolerate any form of slavery, human trafficking or other similar work environments or practices and is committed to maintaining and improving the processes it has in place to help ensure that these abuses do not occur either in its own operations or those of its suppliers. The following statement reflects the activities and efforts undertaken to achieve this during the year ending January 2023.

Policies and Controls

The Company is committed to improving the working conditions of people around the world who are a part of our supply chain and business. The Company sources products and services for many of its businesses around the world and we recognize the need to monitor for conditions that put workers at risk of forced labour. In support of this commitment, the Company’s internal Code of Conduct sets out guiding principles and establishes that in performing job duties the Company employees should always act lawfully, ethically, and in the best interests of the Company. It also includes a whistleblowing policy for employees and other people with relevant information to share.


As part of our induction programme, and on a regular basis throughout his or her period of employment, each employee is trained in our Code of Conduct and the requirements those standards impose in respect of behavior in the workplace.

Due Diligence Processes

Falcon conducts screening of all service providers prior to their engagement to identify any concerns with regards to their treatment of employees or contractors. Falcon will not engage any service provider where there is evidence that it does not follow employment best practice. The Company uses a risk-based approach to assesssuppliers and service providers for continued compliance and improvement. Falcon also conducts screening of potential customers and suppliers featuring in possible transactions. In line with Falcon’s riskbased approach, concerns identified with regards to the mistreatment of workers will be reviewed and may mean Falcon is unwilling to engage with the relevant customers or suppliers.

In addition, our human resources department ensures compliance by all parts of our businesses with applicable employment law in the working conditions of both employees, and those workers within third party vendors, whether working on our premises or otherwise, providing us with various services.

Risk Management

To ensure that our policies and programs are kept up to date, we benchmark within industry to design, operate, and continually improve our risk assessment and audit programs.

This statement was approved by the Company Board of Directors.

Director name: Mark Wyatt
Date: 20th April 2023
Version 1.
1 092018